Title Search Services

Current Owner Search
A Current Owner Report verifies the current owners vested on title in land records. It shows every open mortgage found, recorded involuntary liens or financial encumbrances that could affect the property, shows if the property is being foreclosed upon in land records and the last assignment of record for any open mortgage. Current Owner Title Search is ideal for foreclosure auctions, pre-tax auctions, short sales, by-owner transactions, refinance, checking for clear title. You will receive a Title Report on all outstanding mortgages, liens and judgments recorded against the property and current owner(s).

Two Owner Search
Two-Owner Title search is for the last two owners in the chain of title of the subject property. Two Owner Search done by searching from the current date backward. Two Owner Search includes details like Vesting Deed, Current Tax status, county assessment information, open mortgages, judgments, liens, and legal description will be captured. This search is usually done for origination of Home Equity transactions, short sale, foreclosure auctions, and pre-tax auctions.

Pre-Foreclosure Search
Pre-foreclosure search support the pre-foreclosure transaction for foreclosing parties, including trustees, law firms and loss mitigation divisions. These order types span scope of search requirements ranging from a current owner to a full title, based on statutory requirements and client preferences.

Full Search
Kaveo performs chain of title information search going 2 owners out of family, mortgage and assignment search, federal, state and municipal lien search, HoA (Home Association) lien search recorded at the county level, Civil judgment search including foreclosure proceedings at the civil court, as well as, bankruptcy and tax delinquency status.

REO Search

Update and Datedown Search
We perform an update search on the subject property from the date of the last search to the current date. A Update or datedown shows newly recorded information from prior search records through date to newest records through date.