Data Entry Services


Faster Turnaround Time


98% Error-free Product


Multiple Data Entry Formats

Data Entry

The data entry professionals at Kaveo have the capability to work on large volumes of data and provide accurate and error-free data entry services.
  • Online Data Entry Services
  • Offline Data Entry Services
  • Data Entry of Business Survey
  • Data Entry of Printed and Handwritten Documents
  • eBook Data Entry Services
  • Data Entry of Images

Data Conversion

Kaveo is specialized at converting data from a format to another, within less time with great accuracy or simply put data normalization. At Kaveo, we can convert any kind of data – periodicals, reports, journals, catalogs, and financial statements into a richly cohesive set of desired formats. In short, we can help store, search and retrieve digital versions of any document – anytime, anywhere.

  • HTML Conversion
  • XML Conversion
  • PDF Conversion
  • Spreadsheet Conversion
  • Printed Data Conversion

Data Processing

The data management professionals at Kaveo can handle large volumes of data processing work without compromising on quality. We work with many input formats including, printed material, photo scans, excel tables or MS office formats.
  • Forms Processing
  • Survey Processing
  • Transaction Processing
  • Order Processing
  • Data Duplication